Lift Control Panel


0216 452 452 1



Speed Control Unit


Technicial Specifications

AE-LIFT is a frequency inverter specially developed for driving lift motors.
It uses a space vector control system that provides floor accuracy and high comfort in elevator applications.
It is managed by the digital signal processor (DSP), which makes all the mathematical operations required in the vector control system very fast. So it is very easy to get the desired comfort in the speedways.
In AE-LIFT, the standard terminals and functions for the auxiliary control input and output are predefined.
Brake bobbin and serial contactors are driven directly by the driver.
Everything needed for error output, reset input and speed notification output for door opening function when in the vicinity of faults is available in software and hardware.
All terminals are removable plug sockets and are completely out of the box. There is no need to open the can to make any connection.